Apple will allow app side-loading from arbitrary websites

Apple will allow app side-loading from arbitrary websites

In my previous article, I wrote about Apple allowing side-loading of apps only via Apple-approved third-party app stores. Since setting up a third-party app store is an extremely onerous requirement, I doubt there will be many appearing.

Now, Apple has changed their mind.

In the latest developer announcement, Apple will now allow their users to download apps from Apple-approved websites to be installed on their iPhones in the upcoming iOS 17.5 for EU users.

There are still a lot of onerous requirements for developers who distribute their iOS apps on their websites. There is still a notarization process where Apple will inspect the app for any cybersecurity issues.

As I mentioned earlier, I don’t see any cybersecurity issues with that. However, there will be other issues like cyber-safety, privacy and scams.

Also, take note of this: side-loading is only for iOS. There are rumours that Apple is going to allow side-loading for iPadOS in iPadOS 18. When the rumours are confirmed, we will publish an update here.


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